Wednesday, October 15, 2008


You are on a boat in the Pacific Ocean. The boat hits a rock and sinks. You swim to an island with five other people. Describe what you would do. Use FIRST, NEXT, THEN, FINALLY.


Anonymous said...

First, I would build a shelter with rocks and palm leafs.Next, I would search for food and wather in the island.Then,I would mamake a pile of branches to someone see us and rescue us. Finally, I would wait for someone rescue us.

Anonymous said...

First, I would check if everybody was ok. Then, I would tell to my friends to find some woods to make a bonfire so someone can find us. Next, we would find a shelter to spend the night. At sunrise, we would look for food and drinking water. If no one came to rescue us after more or less five days, we would know the island and find some stuff to make a raft. So, some day we would put lots of food and water in the raft and then, when we were many days in the sea, a rescue team would find us.

Anonymous said...

First, I would try to stay calm. Next, I would climb a tree to see if there was another island near us. Then, I would try to find food and water that we could drink. Finally, I would build a shelter to protect us and wait the ransom.

Anonymous said...

First, I would look for food.Next, I would build something to guard the food I got and look for water.Then, we would take a talk around the island looking for someone or anything that could help us escape.Finally, we would write HELP in the sand and wait until someone comes.If no one comes for about 2 weeks, we would put fire in the island to make the fireman or somebody come after us.I would also get myself a dog and bring home.I would call him Noobs.

Anonymous said...

First, I would ask if anybody is hurt, or something like that.Next, I would look for food and clean water. If no one comes to rescue us in the day after that, I would explore the island, look for some other people who lives there. If there weren't nobody, I would try to be calm, and wait for rescue.If no one rescue us , I would just keep hoping that it someday will happen.But if the people were dangerous and crazy, I would hide me in some place, so I couldn't be rescue, and die there with my friends. THE END.

Anonymous said...

I'd look for other survivors then I'd find a shelter and I'd rest. After that I'd find something to eat. If I found some mushroons I would't eat then because they could be poisonned. If I found a pond I wouldn't drink the water but if I found a stream I would drink because running water is better to drink.

Anonymous said...

First, I would try to relax, then i would try to find a shelter , after i would look for branches and finally i would try to make fire to someone rescue us. If no one came to rescue us, I would sit down and cry, next I would try to live in the island with my friends.

Anonymous said...

First, I would try to stay calm and ask to my friend if someone was hurt. Then, I would look for woods to make fire at night and for a shelter. After, we would search for food also for water that we could drink. Finally, we would live like that for 2 weeks, in addition if no one had saved we, we would write HELP or something like that on the sand.

Anonymous said...

First, I would search others survivors,then I would build a shelter to spend the night.Next I would try to find food and some water from a pound.After it,I'd walk around the island to find someone or something to help me to escape.I'd put fire on a pile of branches for a plane or a helicopter see me and call to the police or a firefighter to rescue me.

Anonymous said...

I would try to survive, then would try to found banana and watermelon. In the second day I would try to fishimg because I would be hungry and I would have to built a shelter becase it would be very could here, and in the finaly day I would have to be strong and wait the rescue.

Anonymous said...

Fisrt, I would be happy because I stay with my friends. Next, I would worry because we would not have food and wather. Then, we would make a hause for protect to the sun. Finally, I would sleep and wait the rescue.

Anonymous said...

First,I'd be calm and try to not be scared.Next,I'd find a security place to stay the night.Then,I'd find some food and some water,because I'd need this.Finally,I'd walk around the island to find if someone lived there to help me.

Anonymous said...

First, I would find water and food.
Then, I would leave everything and start walking with the others peoples.Next, I would try to find a place to spent the night, if a didn't find I would make a pile of branches and sleep underneath them.
After, I would go to find help and I would try to be relax and calm.
Finally, I would wait for someone rescue us, If it didn't happen I would explore the island and look for someone who lives there.

Anonymous said...

First, I would look for other survivor and check if everybody was ok. next,we would try to find o save place to stay because we may be there for a long time, then, I would look for food and water.Finaly,I would wait for someone rescue us.

Anonymous said...

first i would look for food,next i would look for a place to sleep,then i would try a communication,next i would sleep,then i would look for other people,next i would to enter in desesperation,finaly i would kill myself

Anonymous said...

First I'd leave the beach and I'd look for a place to spend the night,but I'd ask someone to come with me.Then I'd try to find food and water.Next I'd go back to the beach and light a fire to keep myself warm.After I'd wait for sunrise.Finally I'd wait for rescue.

Danillo Leal said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

First, I would walk around the island to find something to eat or drink. Then , I would find a place where I can hide to be safe for sleep with my friends, after, I would expect sunrise to think what I can do. Finally, I would make fire to someone find us and wait for the rescue.

Anonymous said...

First, I'd ask if someone it's hurt. If does, I'd try to find something to cure the injured person. Then, I'd look out for other people in the island. After, I'd make fire. I'd make a shelter next to the fire.And find some food and water. And finally, I'd try to make a big statue or a big leaf written : HELP.

Anonymous said...

First, I would find the other people in the island. Then I would go to find a food and water. Next I would use my cell phone and call to my familly. After this I would build a house and i would sleep. Finally I would wait for someone rescue me and I would try survive.

Anonymous said...

First, i would try to stay calm. Next, i would look for someone else. Then, i would try to find food and drinking water. After, i would catch wood and leves. Then i would make a shelter. Next, i would make make fire. Finally, i would wait for someone rescue us.

Anonymous said...

If I was in an island whith 5 other people, first I would try to get food and water. Then I would ask everybody to find a shelter. If it was too cold in the island, I would get some wood and after, try to make fire. In the next day I would try to use everybody's cellphone. Than, if any cellphone worked, I would get some wood and try to make a boat. After, if the boat didn't work, I would write SOS in the sand. Finally, I would wait for help.

Unknown said...

First, I would try to find some food, a place to stay and some firewood. Then I'd talk to the other five people and I would ivied them to stay with me. If they accept I'd get some works to them. Than, I would try to build a new boat. After I'd wait for a plane and call they attention with fire. If didn't pass a plane, I would get my new boat, some food, and the other people and try to go to a city! If wasn't have food enough, I'd get hungry!

Anonymous said...

First, I would search for food. Next, I would search for a place where I can sleep. Then, I would talk to other people and see if they are ok. Finally, I would try to get a pile of branches and make fire to someone see and recue us.

Anonymous said...

First, I would try to call someone. Next I would find wather and food. Then I would find a place to sleep. Finally I would make fire to keep the temperature good.

Anonymous said...

First,I would leave everything and start walking.Next,I would search for water and food.Then,I would continue walking for see someone.
Finally, I would waiting for the plane and rescue us.

Anonymous said...

First, i would cry, cry and laugh. Next, i would swim in this paradise and have some fun. Then, i would start to look for somebody and some frut, maybe bananas, and for a shelter. Finally, i would make fire with my friends and wait for someone.

Anonymous said...

First, I would try to find some food and water, next I would try to find a shelter to be safe and protect me from the rain and dangerous animals. Finally I would make a bonfire to somebody see the smoke and rescue us.

Anonymous said...

First, I would see if I could communicate with someone. After I would build a shelter with everybody, later we would search for food and water. At night I would try to make fire to illuminate the beach. The next morning I would go fishing, then I would cook the fish. Finally I would wait for rescue.

Anonymous said...

First I'd see if everyone was alright.Them I'd go look for a shelter.After I found somewhere save I'd call my 'friends' and go look for food and wood.I'd ask one of the guys if they could go see whats 'round us,just to make sure we were actually save.When we were done looking for food and wood,we'd try to make some fire.Finally we'd eat something and try to think 'bout what should we do to get out of that place!

Anonymous said...

First, I would try to take the lead of the group and give people commands because if we want to survive, we all have to work. I would see people skills and put water and shelter searching in the first place. I would try to find any kind of wood, with a good flotation to build another boat(just for me).